Meet Micah Fellow Rev. Dr. Anika Whitfield -- Ordained Baptist minister, podiatrist, co-chair of Grassroots Arkansas and tri-chair of Arkansas Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
MFP: What community are you looking to support and advocate for at the completion of the 2021 Micah Fellows Program cohort?
AW: Low to poor wealth Arkansans especially in central AR and other parts of the delta.
MFP: What is your purpose and/or goal in the Micah Fellows program?
AW: In a world, national, state, a local trans-generational, perpetual state of emergency where justice is not being upheld, mercy only offered for the select privileged few, and people with economic, political and religious wealth and power appear to walk as gods rather than with GOD, we need to become more focus and intentional about doing what THE LORD has required of us to do.
MFP: Fill in the blank: I am a Micah Fellow because ____________.
AW: … in my journey of living Micah 6:8 I recognize the need in being sharpened with iron and being an iron sharpener as well.
AW: I’m grateful for the opportunities to meet and hear from people who are intentionally living Micah 6:8 in Arkansans, Tennessee, North Carolina, and beyond.